In today's online world, It goes without saying that Content is King.

cool slide show video

People love consuming content. Their preferences have changed over the years and now the preferred vehicle of content delivery is video. Why is that? Everyone today is mega busy and our attention spam is short, quite short. After about 6- 7 seconds, the average person gets distracted.

However, video is one of the best methods to get someone's attention and keep it.  Video is the primary way people get their information today. They want to read video reviews, learn, shop, and interact with videos online.

People watching a video are 4 times more likely to purchase a product or service after watching a video about it. Other stats that amplify the need for a good video marketing strategy;

  • Content with videos can increase conversions by 80%
  • 90% of consumers rely on video to make a purchasing decision.
  • Over 500 hours of videos are watched daily on YouTube
  • 64% of online consumers will make a purchase after watching a video.
  • According to digital marketing experts, 1 minute of video is equivalent to 1.8 million words!!
  • Approximately 1/3 of online browsing is people watching videos
  • Videos on social media get 12 times more shares than other forms of content.

You can present your ideas, concepts, sales, lessons, etc., through video and slideshow videos like the samples below are a great way to get your message across. Contact us with your questions. We will help bring your content to life!

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